+5 votes
by (340 points)
I am wondering whether the organization of programming code in Git (GitHub, GitLab) already counts as research data management? What other aspects of programming code could be managed?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (680 points)
Using a git repository can be part of RDM, but you should also consider to document your workflows in which you use the software and how it was used to create your research results. If you are a computer scientist (or similar) than the software itself could be your research result. If not you use the software to generate your research results, e.g. using simulation methods to predict something in your domain. And for that you have the typical input - processing - output (german EVA-Prinzip, Eingabe, Verarbeitung, Ausgabe)

I can suggest you the following papers to that topic:


by (680 points)
In addition someone just gave me the link to this paper which I think can help to answer your question:
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