+2 votes
by (340 points)
I want to publish the data from my research in a data publication. Where can I find conferences or journals where I can publish data publications? How can I organize such a publication? Where are the main differences to other publications?

1 Answer

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by (970 points)

TL;DR: Take a look at ing.grid https://www.inggrid.org/site/authorguidelines/ (Last section of the page)

A best practice for publishing data is the provision of a documentation of your data set.
So it is recommended to hand in your data in a place, that supports documentation along with data publication. 

One example for such place is the Journal ing.grid.
Ing.grid also provides author guidelines for the publication of data sets:
See the section "Data Submission Guidelines" at https://www.inggrid.org/site/authorguidelines/ for the organisation of such publication.

An example can be found at: https://preprints.inggrid.org/repository/view/21/

The main differences are found in the descriptive manner of the published text.
It rather describes the specific methods of collecting and (pre-)processing data rather than your scientific approach in a general way. 

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